Special Session

  Special Sesssion Ⅰ: Lightweight Design and Control Strategy for Assistive Exoskeletons

Session Chair: Prof. Zhigong Song——Jiangnan University, China

Keywords: Exoskeleton, Lightweight Design, Control Strategy, Human-Computer Interaction


This session will focus on the research of lightweight design and control strategies for exoskeleton technology. It will invite experts and scholars from various fields to share their latest research achievements and experiences in the design and technological innovation of lightweight exoskeletons. Through keynote speeches, interactive discussions, and online communications, participants will delve into the application of lightweight materials, manufacturing processes, and control algorithms in the development of exoskeletons, as well as how these technologies can enhance the human-machine interaction performance and user experience of exoskeletons. The session aims to promote the advancement of exoskeleton technology, address key scientific issues in related fields, and facilitate industry-university- research cooperation.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Lightweight Design of Exoskeletons

  • Control Strategy

  • Optimization of Human-Machine Interaction

  • Case Studies and Applications

  • Technical Challenges and Future Directions

  • Industry-university- research cooperation

Important dates: Submission deadline: June 1, 2024